Drawing, glueing, cutting: aspiring artists need is a practical holder for their creative craft essentials. They store away neatly in the reisenthel pencilroll kids in super cool designs!
Pour chaque commande d'un article de la collection reisenthel des enfants que vous recevez 1 de 4 enfants cadeaux! You get the kids giveaway matching your order or send us a message. You can choose between:
handcraft card cactus - pink or blue
magnets (set of 4)
postcards (1 of 4 differents motives)
tattoos (2 designs on one sheet)
- Size (W x H x D): 20 x 5,5 x 5,5 cm
- Volume: 0,7 l
- Scissors, glue, coloured pencils the pencilroll has room for lots of little things
- Long zip for easy opening and closing
- Material: premium-quality, tear-proof polyester, water-repellent
For more than forty years we have engaged our creativity, our know-how and our enthusiasm in the effort to perpetually re-invent practical items. Every one of our products is characterized with a certain lightness that reflects our mission to “keep it easy”.
We follow our company owner Peter Reisenthel’s example of seeking solutions for the challenges and unsolved problems of the every day. And we will continue looking. After all, our creativity is ignited in the very act of living. Again and again, countless hours of design and development lead to another unique reisenthel product.
Reisenthel Accessoires GmbH & Co. KG
Zeppelinstrasse 4
82205 Gilching